Services for Women
"From Protection to Connection"

Feminine Embodiment is an essential rite of passage for each and every woman - this is her journey home to herself. ​
Building a Relationship
With Yourself
Whether you are in the maiden, mother, maga, or crone stages of life, these feminine embodiment sessions are fundamental pillars, here to guide you and support you in navigating through your journey of womanhood.
This is undoubtedly, a highly transformative process where you are developing a solid sense of self, rooted in your self awareness and self acceptance. You will cultivate a wealth of inner resources, tools and skills, that you'll continuously draw upon as you develop a deep, loving and nourishing relationship with yourself, your sexual embodiment and your life.
Every session or program is a deep listening to your unique needs and capacity. Together we will tailor make your sessions and draw upon a combination of many different somatic and wellness modalities. We work at your own natural pace - which is usually a lot slower than you think!​​

Your Sexual Empowerment
We move beyond the rights and wrongs of the societal beliefs, cultural conditioning and poor quality sex education that you've inherited.
This is your unlearning and a dismantling of the unhealthy domination and unhealthy submission power dynamics that are present in the mainstream approach to sexuality.
Moving from the over identification of our minds of whom we think we should be and how we should behave sexually, into the living embodiment of who we are at our core essence as a sexually empowered woman.
Your Holistic Sex Education includes:​​​​
Unlearning Conditioned Sexual Responses: Release the patterns and habitual responses of our conditioning, opening the space for your authentic sexual expression.​
​​Embodying Sexual Boundaries: Creating your internal safety and empowering yourself in every interaction. Learning how to feel your limits in your own body.​
Cultivating Communication Skills: Developing your ability to express your needs, desires, and limits with clarity and confidence.
Creating Internal Alignment: Harmonising the connection between your head, heart, emotions, and yoni, bringing your entire being into alignment.
Emotional Body Mastery: Learning how to regulate your emotions and move them consciously through your body in healthy ways.
Taming Your Inner Critic: Befriending the voice of self-criticism, fostering a deep acceptance and love for you and your body.
Inner & Outer Resources: Creating a wealth of deeply nourishing embodiment practices & self care rituals for both self-regulation and co-regulation with others.
Expanding Self-Pleasure: Deepen your capacity for pleasure through intentional self-pleasure practices.
Yoni Mapping &
Restorative Bodywork
Have you ever felt like you take forever?
or that you're not worthy of taking up so much of someone's time? Have you ever had anyone really take the time with you?
In our restorative bodywork together, we anchor into the body through the embodiment practices we have been learning. From this body centred approach, we enter into a deeper listening, where we can begin to hear what needs to be felt, seen, heard and expressed today. We move slowly, ensuring that we respect your current energy levels and capacity. Honouring your physical and energetic limits and making small incremental steps towards feeling congruency between your head, heart, yoni and womb connection.​​
In our bodywork sessions we are learning:
How to Become An Empowered Receiver: Learning how to open, receive and accept pleasure through your body.
Connecting With Your Desire: Learning how to tune in to your body and clearly identify what truly resonates with you and what doesn't.​​
Finding Your Authentic Voice: Learning how to speak up and advocate for your changing needs, desires and limits.
Listening to Your Body & Womb Wisdom: Cultivating the ability to hear and trust the innate intelligence within your own body. Learning how to trust yourself.​​​​​
Feeling More by Doing Less: Discovering the profound depth of sensation in your body by creating spaciousness and embracing stillness and simplicity.
Exploring Your Anatomy and Arousal: Gain intimate knowledge of your body’s anatomy and how it relates to your arousal and pleasure.
Melting Body Armour: Learning how to hold yourself and increasing your capacity for feeling through difficult emotions and mental resistances. Slowly releasing layers of shame, guilt, fear, anger and grief, transforming freeze, numbness and pain.
How to Become a Masterful Giver: Transform the way you give. It is through experiencing the pathway of empowered receiving that healthy and masterful giving is advised and can be practiced.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Women who are exhausted from the habitual porn style performance based sex.
Women who feel frozen, shut down and disconnected from their bodies and feel shame around their sexuality.
Women who have numb genital tissue & have difficulty feeling their Yoni or Eros.
Women who are enduring painful and uncomfortable sex symptoms.
Women who intrinsically know there's more to sex, but are unsure of what it is that they are missing.
Mothers who are in the early childhood stage and want to learn how to navigate and create a more fulfilling sexual connection with their partners.
Women navigating their sexuality through the peri menopausal and menopause stages of their lives.


"I'm just being with it all and soaking in the unfolding.
I can't even put into words just how truly honoured and grateful I am for you. For the work that you do, which is a great testament to the depths of work that you've done.
The holding I experienced was out of this world. Never have I ever felt so open, exposed, raw, seen, safe and completely held.
​Thank you with all my heart for this truly precious moment of healing in my life."
Mish, Melbourne.