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Workshops & Trainings

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"Exploring Your Aliveness In Groups & Safe Containers"

Women Holding Hands

Sexuality Workshops & Trainings 
for Individuals & Couples

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Eve organises and hosts some of the worlds best teachers and trainings.

In 2022, Eve is organising 'The Body Whisperer"

& ISTA (International School of Temple Arts)  Levels 1 & 2.

Body Whisperer

​3 Day Experience


Body Whisperer

3 Day Experience

The Body Whisperer 3 Day Experience introduces Tantra practices for releasing physical, emotional and energetic restrictions in the body, re-training your nervous system to be calm and in pleasure at the same time.


You are shifting old habits, rewiring your neurology and opening new pathways for pleasure and open-hearted awareness through this different embodiment of sexual energy.

Body Whisperer

7 Day Experience

This 7 day residential training at a gorgeous Northern Rivers Rainforest Retreat venue, introduces practices for releasing physical, emotional and energetic restrictions in the body for high vibrational healing and conscious awakening.


Throughout this program, you’ll master the processes for guiding others to shed the constriction of limiting stories, to wake up the orgasmic current that fuels the belly and the heart, to embody the unique soul blueprint that we chose for this extraordinary lifetime.



Are you ready

to change your life?

These powerful trainings provides the essential teachings and experiences that restore to us our full human technology. It gives us the type of education we should have had around our sexuality, our emotions and our relationships with the masculine and feminine energies within.


The Time For

Transformation is Now!

This revolutionary life empowerment course supports us to masterfully direct our primal and sexual nature so  we can more deeply embody a fully integrated, respectful and vibrant relationship with ourselves and others.


The entire course is designed to support all individuals to find, feel, claim, and express their highest life expression.

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